I was reflecting today about what the weather was like when I started blogging about forms. It was the middle of October and unseasonably mild for Portland. I’m pretty sure I hadn’t taken my winter clothes out of storage yet. Fast forward to January and a bunch of tax form blogs later and it’s cold and windy outside with a threat of snow. I like snow and I’m looking forward to it. However, I’m not a fan of blustery days. Just like the weather changes from season to season, tax forms change from year to year. Form 1099-H Health Coverage Tax Credit has a few changes that I would like to highlight.
The 80% rate of total health insurance premium payments has been extended to include January and February 2011.
Copy 1 of Form 1099-H needs to be provided to recipients by the IRS Health Coverage Tax Credit Transaction Center. Copy B must be provided to recipients by all other filers.
The E-File Magic website is full of useful information including form instructions. Click here to go to Form 1099-H instructions.
January 31st is coming fast! Download our 1099-H software and get working!